Cattle Registry
We are a group of passionate cattle breeders that want to enjoy our cattle, raise quality animals for multiple uses, and make registration simple, accurate, and affordable.
Mission Statement
We, the White Dexter Cattle Registry, are committed to promoting and expanding our breed with integrity and simplicity. As an upgrade to the 200 year old Dexter breed, we intend to keep the triple purpose characteristics of beef, milk and oxen with our exciting new color.
Breeding with integrity is of the upmost importance therefore we will maintain an accurate registry. We will actively promote the breed and keep fellow breeders well informed of what our potential customers are requesting. As a registry, we are a team with the mutual goal of breeding wisely, promoting the breed, and enjoying our cattle raising experience.
Online Cattle Registry – Registration/Transfer
Registration Guide (FAQ) – reference this document for questions you may have about registrations.
Online Registration/Transfer can be submitted by using the green buttons above.
Click here for a printable Register/Transfer form to mail.
Completed form and applicable registration papers can be mailed to: WDCR PO Box 16155 Wichita, KS 67216. Or scan and email to: [email protected]
$20.00 – Register or Transfer
$5.00 additional if registration includes a parent of a different registry. (One-time data entry fee.)
Several payment options are available.
Pay Here or use the button below to make payment. You can email the Registrar for other options.
The White Dexter Cattle Registry (WDCR) is committed to keeping the registration process simple and economical. It is to keep accurate pedigree records to safeguard your investment, yet remain user-friendly and a positive experience. We refuse to burden our owners with mandatory testing and expenses.
The WDCR, has been established to ensure the accuracy of all animals involved. Originally, White Dexters were registered with the IMCBR. As the breed grew rapidly beyond their capabilities, the WDCR was formed to ensure accurate records. Impeccable pedigrees have been kept on each White Dexter, tracing back to their original Dexter bloodlines.
No testing is required by the registry. Testing is encouraged but not mandated as we believe that the quality of our cattle are based on many more factors than just test results and, again, we want to keep ownership of White Dexters simple and enjoyable, not a burden.
Beware of purchasing a white animal that resembles a White Dexter that is not registered in the WDCR. The White Dexter name has been trademarked and no breeder should use the name if their animals are not verified through the WDCR. This ensures that all of the White Dexters are pure in bloodlines and buyers know exactly what they are purchasing.
Online Cattle Registry – Registration/Transfer
Registration Guide (FAQ) – reference this document for questions you may have about registrations.
Online Registration/Transfer can be submitted by using the green buttons above.
Click here for a printable Register/Transfer form to mail.
Completed form and applicable registration papers can be mailed to: WDCR PO Box 16155 Wichita, KS 67216. Or scan and email to: [email protected]
$20.00 – Register or Transfer
$5.00 additional if registration includes a parent of a different registry. (One-time data entry fee.)
Several payment options are available.
Pay Here or use the button below to make payment. You can email the Registrar for other options.
The White Dexter Cattle Registry (WDCR) is committed to keeping the registration process simple and economical. It is to keep accurate pedigree records to safeguard your investment, yet remain user-friendly and a positive experience. We refuse to burden our owners with mandatory testing and expenses.
The WDCR, has been established to ensure the accuracy of all animals involved. Originally, White Dexters were registered with the IMCBR. As the breed grew rapidly beyond their capabilities, the WDCR was formed to ensure accurate records. Impeccable pedigrees have been kept on each White Dexter, tracing back to their original Dexter bloodlines.
No testing is required by the registry. Testing is encouraged but not mandated as we believe that the quality of our cattle are based on many more factors than just test results and, again, we want to keep ownership of White Dexters simple and enjoyable, not a burden.
Beware of purchasing a white animal that resembles a White Dexter that is not registered in the WDCR. The White Dexter name has been trademarked and no breeder should use the name if their animals are not verified through the WDCR. This ensures that all of the White Dexters are pure in bloodlines and buyers know exactly what they are purchasing.